Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hello, blog. Remember me? I´m the one who created you and then left you like a baby in the dumpster. (Note: I don´t condone leaving babies in dumpsters.)

So where have I been? What have I been doing?

First, I just spent about 3 minutes trying to figure out where the question mark is on this key board. I swear I know how to type properly, they just changed some of the keys.

I´ve been watching a lot of soccer. I had my hopes built on an underdog team and watched them all wash away when Spain and some idiot referees took away the chances of my Paraguayan team making it to the semi finals.

Other than that I´m just living the good life. I go to bed every night around 10. Wake up around 7 or 8. Make some phone calls. Walk to the city. Walk back home. Make more calls. You know, things like that.

My stupid camera is broken. While I´m not a huge photog, I´d at least like the option of becoming one over the summer. Big let down.

I swear better things are happening around here, I just can´t think of any right now. Come back later when my imagination has returned.


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Well, we made it with relativley few set backs.

I left KC about an hour later than I intended to thinking I would just sleep "another 10 minutes" which of course turned into 45 minutes. In true Raquel fashion I showed up to the airport about 45 minutes before my flight was scheduled to leave- I checked my luggage and immediately boarded the plane. Maybe I've outsmarted TSA and figured out that it is completely uneccesary to show up 2 hours early. Maybe I like flirting with disaster. Maybe I'm bad with timelines. Maybe all 3.

After a day in Houston and some amazing breakfast tacos I made my way to Buenos Aires. We (my associate Kyle and I) had to switch airports when we landed and were treated to a 30 minutewhirlwind tour of one of my favorite cities in the world. The view isn't quite as lindo through a dusty taxi window.

We arrived in Asuncion yeterday afternoon to my favortite kind of weather- pleasant. We have been busy exploring the city and meeting with contacts. Today was an especially productive as we met with the director (and his assistant) of Paraguay's largest newspaper- ABC Color- were interviewed and had our picture taken for the paper (the VIP Corner I hope), and toured the US Embassy.

My experimentation with vegeterianism is all but over as carne is about the only thing on any menu in this country. Hope my stomach doesn't mind.

Enjoy the hot weather, suckers. I'm going to bed.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Well friends, I'm leaving again. Gearing up for my new adventure! This time to exotic... Paraguay. That's right, the middle of no where. For those of you not familiar with rarely mentioned South American countries it is nestled between Argentina and Brazil.

My trip begins June 1, giving me about a week to tie up any loose ends here in the States. If you know me at all you know there are tons of loose ends and I haven't even started to think about tying them. Yesterday was the first time I started to sort clothes to maybe bring with me, and I had a few Bud Lights in my system. Needless to say, I'm gonna have to re-sort them.

This summer I promise to update a bit more than last time. Hopefully there will be some good stories.
